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Benefits of choosing us

Be your best

Stress Released

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Skin Problem Reduction

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus orci, pulvinar at hendrerit ac, varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet. Consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus orci, pulvinar at hendrerit ac, varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

Sleep Deprivation

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About Us

What is F-Matrix?

  • F-Matrix is a polypeptide enriched matrix product that contains live, viable Dermal Fibroblast Stem Cells. This product is derived from donated human birth tissue and has undergone serology, sterility, endotoxin and mycoplasma testing to ensure safety and compliance with FDA and AATB standards.

  • Dermal Fibroblast Stem Cells have a growth factor profile that is specific to skin and cosmetic-based outcomes. One of the most important growth factors in this cell type is Epidermal Growth Factor, which was part of a Nobel prize winning discovery in 1986 and is one of the most relevant components to skin health.

  • In 2016, the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic, and Investigational Dermatology published a study which concluded that EGF can enhance the production of collagen and promote skin rejuvenation. It is thought that these signaling molecules, combined with various extra-cellular matrix components naturally occurring in F-Matrix, can be beneficial in various cosmetic based applications.


  • High Molecular Weight HA
  • Collagens
  • Fibrongen
  • Elastin
  • Growth Factors

Superior Specificity

If we know that all cells communicate via exosomes, and if we also know that all exosomes come from the internal programming of their respective parent cells, then we can conclude that the cell and tissue type from which these signals are derived is vital to the anticipated clinical outcome we desire.

How it will work

Key points

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varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

After results

before and after

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varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

Frequently asked questions

effective FAQ

YES! It is very common to use birth tissue that would normally be wasted at the hospital, and the FDA and American Association of Tissue Banks allows for these tissues to be used under strict guidelines.

Very much so – most every product on the market that you see will be simply a conditioned media product which does not even have an exosome component to it; the existence of live cells is even more effective than exosomes alone, and these cells are able to respond to patient-specific environments to produce a more specialized response.

No, this is a product that needs to have vascular access, meaning your Practitioner will have to apply it after an ablative procedure or direct-to-tissue with a needle. It will not penetrate the healthy skin barrier alone.

what people say about us


Emma Whole

Satisfied Customer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus orci, pulvinar at hendrerit ac, varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

Consectetur adipiscing elit!


Emma Whole

Satisfied Customer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus orci, pulvinar at hendrerit ac, varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

Consectetur adipiscing elit!


Emma Whole

Satisfied Customer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus orci, pulvinar at hendrerit ac, varius et tellus. Sed condimentum urna et sem sodales aliquet.

Consectetur adipiscing elit!
